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100 Most Important Kali Linux Command for beginners to advance

100 Most Important Kali Linux Command for beginners.

100 Most Important Kali Linux Command for beginners to advance

Short Introduction: What is Kali Linux Operating System (OS)?

  • Kali Linux is a distributed version of a Linux company designed for security research, computer forensics, penetration testing, website security checking. It is used in hacking because you already get some hacking software in it. Which is not only for windows. And even if it is, it is not good enough to even do hacking. Kali Linux is used for hacking. And secondly, windows have to be purchased but this Kali Linux operating system is absolutely free.
  • Actually the Kali Linux operating system was designed for such tasks as reverse engineering, digital forensics and penetration testing. So, in Kali Linux, about 600 utility tools associated with all these security systems are available. Which can be used to check the security system and through this the security system can be improved more
100 Most Important Kali Linux Command for beginners to advance

Hello Friends most important Kali Linux commands are here below:

  1. apropos  Search help manual pages (man -k)
  2. apt-get  Search for and install software packages (Debian)
  3. aspell  Spell Checker
  4. aptitude  Search for and install software packages (Debian)
  5. cal  Display a calendar
  6. date  Display or change the date time
  7. bg  Send to background
  8. cd  Change Directory
  9. chmod  Change access permissions
  10. chroot  Run a command with a different root directory
  11. chown  Change file owner and group
  12. cut  Divide a file into several parts
  13. dc  Desk Calculator
  14. enable  Enable and disable builtin shell commands
  15. exec  Execute a command
  16. dig  DNS lookup
  17. echo  Display message on screen
  18. dir  Briefly list directory contents
  19. df  Display free disk space
  20. diff  Display the difference between two files
  21. cp  Copy one or more files to another location
  22. clear  Clear terminal screen
  23. cmp Compare two files
  24. dircolors  Colour setup for 'ls'
  25. eject   Eject removable media
  26. enable  Enable and disable builtin shell commands
  27. ethtool  Ethernet card settings
  28. exit  Exit the shell
  29. false  Do nothing unsuccessfully
  30. fdformat  Low-level format a floppy disk
  31. file  Determine file type
  32. find  Search for files that meet a desired criteria
  33. format  Format disks or tapes
  34. function Define Function Macros
  35. free Display memory usage
  36. hash  Remember the full path name of a name argument
  37. head  Output the first part of file(S)
  38. history  Command History
  39. hostname  Print or set system name
  40. iconv  Convert the character set of a file
  41. id  Print user and group id's
  42. ifconfig  Configure a network interface
  43. ifdown  Stop a network interface
  44. ifup  Start a network interface up
  45. install  Copy files and set attributes
  46. jobs  List active jobs
  47. kill  Stop a process from running
  48. killall  Kill processes by name
  49. local  Create variables
  50. locate  Find files
  51. logname  Print current login name
  52. logout  Exit a login shell
  53. lprint  Print a file
  54. mkdir  Create new folder (S)
  55. more  Display output one screen at a time
  56. mount  Mount a file system
  57. netstat  Networking information
  58. man  Help manual
  59. ls  List information about file (s)
  60. ls -a  Hidden file showing
  61. mv  Move or rename files or directories
  62. mtr  Network diagnostics (traceroute/ping)
  63. nslookup  Query internet name servers interactively
  64. open  Open a file in its default application
  65. op  Operator access
  66. passwd  Modify a user password
  67. paste  Merge lines of files
  68. ping  Test a network connections
  69. pwd  Print working directory
  70. quota   Display disk usage and limits
  71. ram  ram disk device
  72. rcp  Copy files between two machines
  73. reboot  Reboot the system
  74. rename  Rename files
  75. return  Exit a shell function
  76. rm  Remove files
  77. rmdir  Remove folders(s)
  78. scp  Secure copy (remote file copy)
  79. sed  Stream Editor
  80. select  Accept keyboard input
  81. sleep  Delay for a specified time
  82. sort  Sort text files
  83. ssh  Secure shell clients (remote login program)
  84. strace  Trace system calls an signals
  85. sudo  Execute a command as another user
  86. sum  Print a checksum for a file
  87. tail  Output the last part of file
  88. touch  Change file timestamps
  89. top  List processes running on the system
  90. uname  Print system information
  91. users  List users currently logged in
  92. uuencode  Encode a binary file
  93. uudecode Decode a file created by uuencode
  94. watch  Execute/display a program periodically
  95. write  Send a message to another user
  96. wget  Retrieve web pages of files via HTTP, HTTPS or FTP
  97. whereis  Search the user's $path, man pages and source files for a program
  98. who  Print all usernames currently logged in
  99. whoami  Print the current user id and name
  100. ps  Process status

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